Definition, Structure, and Example of Annotated Bibliography in APA

So, you have been assigned to write an annotated bibliography? Well, no problem.

I know you think that this is the worst task ever. Especially since it is in APA format but the thing is, it is not so bad after all.

All you need is an understanding of what this bibliography really is and then you will know exactly what to do.

Well, it is a good thing that I am here to help, right? I will even give you an annotated bibliography example in APA so that you know exactly what a bibliography should look like. Let’s get you started then or you can ask others to write my paper.


This is the million-dollar question here. An annotated bibliography is like a list of sources that you use in your paper.

But, the difference here is that this list comes with a summary for all its sources.

So, when you mention a source, you need to mention what is written in this source. This really helps you when you are writing your paper as you don’t have to read the entire source all over again

But, I know this can be confusing so I suggest that you get in touch with a paper writing service and ask for a sample annotated bibliography. Or even talk to a writer yourself!


Ok, so in APA, there is a specific structure that needs to be followed for this sort of thing.

Let me show you…

If you are citing a journal article then this is how you should do it:

Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To.

But if it’s a book then here is the pattern:

Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.


Suppose your topic is climate change… then this is how you will write your bibliography

Note: I am using authentic websites as sources as I have already mentioned how to cite a journal article or a book.

Climate Change Committee. (May 4). Climate change is getting worse but it is no worse than we predicted. Climate Change Committee.

This article explores the danger of climate change while warning readers about how the problem can no longer be ignored. In this article, the author says that while climate change is unfolding exactly as it had been predicted, it is raising many problems. For instance, floods are expected to get worse and there is a risk that low probability events will not get the attention that they require. Additionally, the article also discusses that with growing evidence, people can no longer deny the effects of climate change. While further research needs to be conducted, it is clear that climate change is following a steady pattern that has proven to be a great danger to all life on earth.

Jackson, R. The Effects of Climate Change. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.

This article is published by NASA and it highlights the reader to the effects of climate change. The article mentions how climate change is a global problem that includes the melting of glaciers, the formation of new bodies of water, and intense heat waves. Scientists have managed to conclude that temperatures across the world will continue to rise and this will affect the net annual cost as well which are expected to rise along with rising temperatures. In the future, these changes are expected to continue with frost-free seasons lengthening considerably and draughts increasing along with heatwaves.

So, basically, you mention the source, then you write a summary.


Not as difficult as you thought it would be! But, if you think it is tough then I reiterate my previous suggestion: find an online essay writing service. This way, you will be able to learn for yourself by getting help from experts. Just ask them to write my essay and get it done now.

Sounds, great, right? So, go ahead and get started on your bibliography.