Learn How to Create an Outline for a Critical Essay - Guidelines

If you are a student struggling with an essay then the best thing to do right now is to create an outline.

I know it seems like extra work but believe me when I say that it will make the process of writing much faster.

How so?

Well, once you have an outline, you have a structure and once you have a structure, you know what to write. Simple!

So, an outline is a very good pre-writing technique to help you out, especially if you are stuck with a critical essay. If you need an A grade on your paper but you are not sure how to get one, then you should definitely try to create an outline.

But before that, you will need a few guidelines so here they are.

Guideline #1: Select the Topic Carefully

Before you even begin with your outline, you will need a topic to work on.

Now, the ideas found online are mostly basic, and frankly not that interesting.

So, I have a great suggestion to solve this problem. Find a cheap essay writing service online and ask them for guidance. You can ask for a sample essay or a list of topics.

Either way, you will have an interesting topic at hand.

Guideline #2: Establish a Purpose.

Having a good topic is great but the real job is to engage the reader. Why should they care about your topic?

You can’t just dump information on them and expect them to care.

You need to establish a purpose for your essay and for that, you will need a thesis statement.

In order to create a good thesis statement, you will have to narrow down your topic.

Guideline #3: List your Ideas

After you have a topic, you will also have a great many ideas about the topic. It is best that you list down all those ideas so that you don’t forget a good one.

Even if the ideas you are getting are not strictly related to the topic, just note them down to get them out of the way.

Guideline #4: Organise your Ideas

Once the ideas are written, try to organize them by categorizing them. This will help you create a structure that will be quite similar to your outline.

For example, if you wanna analyze an article on why the electoral college is terrible, you will have to categorize the reasons for it being awful or brilliant.

So, the fact that it is “incorrect”, “misleading”, “speculative” or “useless” should come under one category.

Guideline #5: Select the Most Promising Options.

Now that the sorting is done, it will become easy to cross off the ideas that are not the best.

Some of your ideas will be great while the others… not so much.

Just remove the horrible ones from your list and you will be left with the best ideas.

These ideas will form your body paragraphs.

Guideline #6: Research Accordingly

Now that you know what will go in your body paragraphs, you will need evidence to support your claims.

This is where research comes in.

You will have to search the internet for studies, articles, academic papers, or any other l information that supports your point of view.

So, this is how it is done!

Once your research is done, you can create an outline. But if you are having trouble, you can always take some help from an online paper writing service. You have done all the work. Now, you just need to present this work. Just ask them to write my essay and get it done now.

So get going!